Welcome to Voices on the Square. This place is the place where it's Ok to care about something other than 2012 election race. There are many issues that matter; LIBOR manipulation(the rate of interest banks charge to borrow from each other as the benchmark to all loans) manipulating every global interest rate on ever loan, mortgage, or contract there is by the banking elite involved with this global financial malaise of Barclays, or perhaps boldy pointing out that Obamacare is not really enough actual health care and a massive giveaway to the insurance industry.
Though it will help some people, it’s really not the best thing since sliced Medicare, but you won’t hear that everywhere even though it’s the truth. At other blogs this truth would be forbidden; you are supposed to fall in line and say Obamacare is what Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, and Harry Truman were trying to achieve. It was not. National health care is for the people in the nation, not huge monopolies that think they are people.
Holding water for either party owned by special interests that wrote this legislation even during an election year is disingenuous and ultimately immoral. Not to mention thanks to the support of austerity and the fake deficit crisis by Democrats(nice austerity also emboldens harsh austerity when it comes down to it), the latest decision upholding the ACA by the SCOTUS also emboldened Republican governors by allowing them to opt out of Medicaid without any pressure from the federal government to withhold funds.
This will be a blog where we don’t emotionally support politicians because of soaring rhetoric and a misguided belief that we must return to the era of the Rubinites; the deregulated 90s. No, this will be a blog where we call politicians out on their stupidity when it comes to the budget they are in charge of. We won’t pretend that not being adept mentally enough to understand budgetary matters is something that is deserving of respect in an election year or otherwise.
After all, austerity is killing the Eurozone, there are no bond vigilantes or confidence fairies in this country, and draining resources from the American people indebted by their mortgages already by sucking away national income through budget balance huts people and even causes people to die. Deficit lies will get no respect from this blogger. We will call it what it is: deficit terrorism. We need long term spending towards full employment to alleviate the pain caused by those that have cushy jobs in the treasury and the Fed.
We will call out fake “progressive organizations” that carry water for the politicians who carry water for the Rubinites that have the people bankrupt, indebted, broke, tired, and hanging on by a thread or might even be almost dead. You heard me right. I’m using my voice on the square to stress indisputable facts because I care. That’s exactly what I said.
Righteous post priceman.
Policies outlast politicians so we must concentrate on the policies.
Absolutely, kma
You know the right and the Rubinites wish they could get rid of SS and Medicare as we know it but they are too popular.
What KMA said
"deficit terrorism" ... spot on priceman!
Thanks, angel d!
and it is.
Hear, hear
Thank you, Glinda!
I appreciate that.
an excellent post about what we are about!
well done! tweeted and facebooked! :D
Thanks, poligirl!
Out of habit, I keep wanting to
rec comments and have almost flagged as offensive every comment I've read at VOTS so far. :-)
Remember kids, the only difference between a shiv and a scalpel is the intent of the person wielding it.
The more shortcuts that are taken when our politicians craft policy to build in safeguards against their misuse, the greater the certainty that the policy can and will be used against us.
Agreed, chipmo
This brand of politicians are not to be trusted with any cutting device. After all you don't see any defense cuts, do you?
The loyalists use the endless campaign cycle to squash dissent and enforce obedience. Let us dissent and disobey!
Dissent is the prescription of the decade! :D
Indeed, type1error!
Great job priceman
Plainly stated and true. Really excited about the new forum and looked forward to the discussion.
Thanks, Feral Man!
Admittedly, it is very hard to disavow your party
At least it has been for me. After working and giving money, and receiving a few pittances, it has been very hard to let it go.
There is the fear factor: "Look how horrible the bogey men are from the other side."
There is the "don't let them die in vain" factor: "If we get just a few more votes or take over the head of that committee, then . . ."
There is the "it's the only game in town" factor: "Why throw away your vote on a candidate or policy with no chance of success."
There is the peer pressure factor: "Look at all these smart, sensible people who are avid Democrats."
And more. It has been a difficult process for me to accept that the Democrats are not representing my interests sufficiently to change the things I care about most even a little bit, so I am sympathetic to those who are having difficulty accepting the realities of our times.
Good rant, Priceman.
Great to see you again, geomoo
I gave money I need back now. It wasn't worth it at all and the reasons I gave money were all betrayed. More than money I gave time, time I should have spent looking for work because I am now long term unemployed. the reason I don't empathize with them is when I mention this, there is no empathy for me, only disdain for not taking it in stride to be part of the club or what I now call a cult.
I relaized this and dealt with it when the Rubinite cabinet was selected. If people won't wake up now, then when? It's been about 4 years. It was hard to accept though as you say. I just feel very little at this point for those who want to pretend that this game matters and that we are winning anything anymore.
Not too difficult for me ...
I never considered myself a democrat until the 2008 election cycle; then I officially registered as one, and even became a precinct committe officer for my LD. Mostly because after 8 years of Cheney, I wanted to believe, I wanted to HOPE and I truly expected CHANGE.
Not so much, eh?
Back to independence ....
Oh and geomoo, good to see you here!
Glad to hear your voice
Loud and strong, Priceman. I seem to have laryngitis these days, though much is ruminating in my head about the new revelations on LIEMORE, new local revelations of outrageous corruption and greed. Something will emerge from it, hopefully something constructive, rather than something nasty, like a zit! Lol :)
Thank you, Azula La Lucha
They lied more on LIEMORE ever since 2008. Indeed. I hope you feel better and that this country gets a dose of truth and justice. :-)